Hi All!
I wanted to provide a way for folks to get in touch with me now that I am
remote for the semester, in as many ways as possible. The regular ways:
Email! - I'm usually pretty responsive to my email!
Slack! - The CS program runs its own slack server, feel free to email me to
join, or message me there if you are already on the server!
Now for some ways to make an appointment, or even drop in and see if I'm
around! For the
drop in, it'll be a Zoom meeting - if it's open, I'm around
and I'll let you in when I'm able (not meeting with someone else). For the
appointment calendar, just go to the link and make an appointment - it will
show up on my calendar and I'll send you a Zoom link for us to meet. Also,
my office hours are posted here with its Zoom link.
Make an appointment with Alan!
Drop in on Zoom! (passcode: 2q8qMt)
This will generate an email alert to me. If I'm available, I'll pop in. Just give me up to 10 minutes.
Office Hours:
MF 1-2pm
R 8-9pm
Office Hours Zoom! (email for passcode, or check in Blackboard if you are in COSC 440)