Current Reading:
Current HW: None - all done for the semester!
Current Practice:

Slack group

Course Resources

Goddard Part 1
Goddard Part 2
Big-Oh Handout
Simplex Algorithm
LP Simplex Slides
Presentation Slides

Course Stuff

Written project - Due 2/20 [Papers]
Midterm review - exam 3/1
Implementation Project - Due 4/3
Final review

Project Groups:
Group 1: Dayton, Mince, von der Lippe, Vervack
Group 2: Barefoot, Hunt, Merrick, Merryman
Group 3: Fuh, Hines, King-Leatham, March, Proctor
Group 4: DeMey, Jones, Manoly, Ratcliffe
Group 5: Dong, Lyons, Rubin, Smith
Group 6: Borwegen, Cortes, Gordon, Valois

Presentation Groups:
April 17:
Barefoot, Dayton, Rubin, von der Lippe - Cole-Vishkin
Borwegen, Cortes, Dong, Vervack - Approximation of TSP

April 19:
Hunt, Lyons, Mince, Smith - Vegas and Monte Carlo Algorithms
Jones, King-Leatham, Proctor - Combinatorial Geometry

April 24:
Fuh, Manoly, March - Self-stabilizing Algorithms
Hines, Merrick, Valois - Raptor and tornado codes

April 26:
DeMey, Gordon, Merryman, Ratcliffe